Benn announces statutory review of climate change target.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
A review of the target to reduce the UK's CO2 emissions by at least 60 per cent by 2050 will become a statutory duty under the Climate Change Bill, Environment Secretary Hilary Benn said today.
Mr Benn announced the decision alongside other amendments to strengthen the Bill as it moves towards completing its passage through the House of Lords.
The Government has committed to ask the independent Committee on Climate Change, headed by Adair Turner, to consider whether the 2050 target should be tightened up to 80 per cent, as the Committee considers its advice on the first three five-year carbon budgets.
Mr Benn said: "The Climate Change Bill is groundbreaking legislation, and will provide the foundations for building a low carbon Britain. We need it to be as strong as possible.
"The scientific evidence has moved rapidly, and as part of a new global climate deal, developed countries may have to cut their emissions by as much as 80 per cent by 2050. That's why we announced a review of the UK target last year. More >>>