23 January 2008
The European Commission has made long-awaited proposals on energy and climate change. By 2020 it wants a 20% cut in carbon dioxide emissions, and 20% of energy to come from renewables.
"Europeans want a vision, and a plan of action," said European Commission President Manuel Barroso when announcing the 'package'.
The draft legislation follows on from a March 2007 agreement outlining the same aims. The new proposals contain three main strands: the imposition of "specific, binding national targets" for each of the 27 European Union member countries for greenhouse emissions; mandatory targets for the percentage of renewables in each country's total energy consumption; and an overhaul of the existing carbon dioxide emissions trading scheme; and a proposed law on carbon capture and storage (CCS).
Europe should cut its own emissions by 20% by 2020, and be ready to "step up to 30% with international agreement," Barroso said. More >>>